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metal tree with stained glass

metal tree with stained glass

We offer castings and sculptures that combine modern design with the heritage of art and craft.

We design our castings individually, taking into account the needs and expectations of the customer, which allows for full personalization - in terms of shape, material and color.

We provide full support at every stage of implementation – from concept, through design, to assembly.

Each casting/sculpture can be made in any size.

We integrate modern technologies such as IOT, LED, smart functions.

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short questions and answers

Totems and advertising portals with LED lighting

Individual projects

Ladies and Gentlemen,

We would like to inform you with great pleasure that we are open to all job and cooperation offers. We have the ability to create designs from virtually any material in any size and style, always adapting to the specific needs and expectations of our clients.

Our flexibility and consistently high attention to detail allow us to create unique designs that meet the highest aesthetic and technical standards.

We look forward to the opportunity to establish cooperation and are convinced that our extensive experience and commitment will contribute to the effective implementation of your artistic vision.

Please contact us.

Waiting time and delivery

The order processing time varies and depends on the size of the order and the complexity of the totem or advertising portal design. It may range from one week to several months, but we guarantee that each project is treated with care and commitment to deliver a product of the highest quality.

We deliver orders via trusted courier companies or our own transport, to ensure the safety and convenience of our customers. Additionally, we offer comprehensive installation and assembly services to ensure complete satisfaction and comfort with the use of our products.

Polish designer and manufacturer

With almost three decades of experience in craftsmanship, architecture and industrial design, we have the ability to create designs of unique quality and impressive complexity. Totems and advertising portals created in our workshop are not only an indicator of unrivaled quality, but above all, a guarantee of satisfaction.

As a Polish designer and manufacturer, we proudly emphasize that our products are the essence of the highest craftsmanship, where beauty and harmony come from tradition, and we derive innovation and functionality from modernity.


Payment Options

  1. Electronic Transfers: Online transfer payments are available, offering the speed and convenience of online payments.
  2. Standard Bank Transfer: We also accept traditional bank transfers.
  3. Payment cards: We accept payments by payment cards, ensuring ease and security of transactions.
  4. PayPal: For international transactions we offer payment via PayPal.

Additionally, we would like to inform you that we issue VAT invoices for all transactions. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us