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Balearic shearwater - aluminum sculpture

Balearic shearwater - aluminum sculpture

Our collection is a tribute to art and craft, where every detail reflects the mastery of the techniques of creating sculptures and casting. We specialize in working with a wide range of materials - from metals, through composites, stone to wood. Each of our sculptures is a unique work that can be made in any size, adapted to your needs and space. We invite you to discover the unlimited possibilities of shaping the form and material, which allow us to create unique, personalized works of art.

The Balearic shearwater, a majestic seabird, faces many threats that have led to it being listed as Critically Endangered.

Bycatch in fisheries: These birds are vulnerable to incidental capture in fishing gear, particularly the hooks of longlines and gillnets.

Habitat degradation: Development near island breeding colonies disturbs their nesting sites and introduces light pollution, further hindering their success.

Predation by invasive species: Introduced mammals such as rats and cats prey on nestlings and vulnerable adults, affecting population growth.

Declining prey availability: Overfishing depletes fish populations, forcing them to travel farther in search of food.

Aluminum is a versatile and lightweight metal, valued for its impressive strength-to-weight ratio and excellent corrosion resistance. Its ease of recycling and wide availability make it a sustainable choice for many design applications.

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